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Minerva International Scholarship Funded Foundation For Leiden University

 Minerva Overseas Scholarship Funded :

 Minerva Overseas Scholarship Funded Foundation for Leiden University has another chance for international students from the Netherlands. The Minerva International fully funded scholarship programme Foundation for Leiden University is now accepting applications from all students, regardless of nationality.

Brief Description:

Country of scholarship: 

Course available:
                       Bachelor’s, Master’s

Scholarship Amount: 
                     Between 900 euros to 2000 euros

                      15 December 2021
Leiden University is one of the greatest universities in the Netherlands, offering international students scholarship opportunities in a number of programmes.


  1. Humanities
  2. Law
  3. Medicine/LUMC
  4. Archeology
  5. Social and Behavioral Sciences
  6. Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON)
  7. Governance and Global Affairs
  8. Science

Eligibility criteria:

  1. To apply to this programme, you do not need to be a member of L.S.V Minera.
  2. You should have a high level of research or study in the Netherlands or abroad.
  3. In this programme, your project should be a research, study, or internship.
  4. At the conclusion of this assignment, you must submit a final report with appropriate photographs and details.
  5. You must be a Ph.D. student at this university who has already completed the master's degree programme there.

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Benefits Of Leiden University :

  1. This fund will provide you with a sum ranging from 900 to 2000 euros to meet the necessities of your project.
  2. You can use this money to pay the costs of your project's research as well as your living expenses throughout your stay.
  3. It is also possible to spend the funds for overseas trips.
  4. For your project, you will be given a budget of €900 to €2000. This money can be utilised for a variety of purposes, including research, living expenses, and overseas travel.

How to apply:

The application process for the Minerva scholarship fund foundation, which is sponsored by international donors, is not available online. To apply, go to the official website and download the application form. All needed documentation must be included to the application form.

After you've completed all of the criteria, email all of the paperwork to the address listed on the official website.

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